“Never say never”

3 min readJun 3, 2021


Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.-

Michael Jordan

It’s human nature to fear new things or things outside our comfort zone and we often presume failure before even trying. What we don’t realize, is like this Micheal Jordan quote, this fear, and presumption-based failure, we make on something is just an illusion, it does not exist.

This week, I think we all should try something out of our comfort zone:)

This week I will be attending a coding summer camp and if you know me, you know me anything with logic and practicality, isn’t my strong suit. This camp is definitely outside my comfort zone and gives me a chance to grow.

Whatever you may be afraid of, may it be dancing, singing, painting or even cooking. It can be literally anything but by trying it you will do something for yourself and experience something different.

Let’s take writing as an example, if you fear writing, this is for you:)

With many others, I often fear writing as I feel like whatever I write won’t be good enough and its “bad writing”.But here’s the crazy part there is nothing as bad writing, it doesn’t exist. It is a made-up concept we use to get out of writing. Everyone can write, writing is such a broad spectrum, what may be good writing to you can be bad writing to me.

Hence do not fear writing, as we all know- “A pen, a teacher, a book has the power to change the world”-Malala Yousfazi

If you don’t know where to start, just start writing. If you run out of things to write about, remember that the world is filled with so much inspiration, you just need to look.

I often take a break and come back; Most of the times whenever I do that I usually get a new perspective and I can see what I need to change and it’s so much easier to proofread and finalize my post.

Don’t be afraid of making technical mistakes and executing imperfect grammar.I loved this para by a blog I read(link given below)

“Your writing will never be perfect.

Not to you, not to your editors, and not to your readers. It’s impossible, so stop revising and nauseam. At some point, you have to let it go and put the work out there.”

Writing can be an outlet of emotion for you. All you need to do is take the time to sit down and write. I promise you’re so much more closer than you think.

I believe you only truly grow if you try something new, and maybe this week is your chance:)




Thank you for reading:)

Go follow me on ig-@eaglepost

You are so loved❤

Stay strong-eaglepost

